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Gardening fever hits Hounslow Homes' residents!

A great response to the 2007 gardening competition left judges with a very difficult task in shortlisting the high number and standard of entries.

What are the categories?

Categories in this years competition are:

  • The United House Best garden - prize of £150!
  • The United House Best hanging basket or balcony - prize of £150!
  • Best communal area / sheltered housing garden - prize of £150! (Sponsored by Pinnacle PSG)

The Lovell photography competition - The theme is ‘natural view of the Hounslow borough’

  • Best photograph (over 16’s) £100 prize
  • Best under 16s - £50 prize

All shortlisted entrants will receive a free entry ticket into Kew Gardens for this summer.

What happens next?

The judging has now taken place and winners will be announced at an award evening on 25 July 2007.

Who are the judges?

The panel comprised of a Board member, last year's overall winner, a tenant nominated by Hounslow Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations (HFTRA), a Tenant Participation Officer (TPO) and a representative from the main sponsor of the competition.

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Competition Dates

  Judging   27 - 29 June
  Decision made   3 - 6 July
  Awards Ceremony   25 July

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The Hounslow Homes Gardening Competition is proudly sponsored by:

  • United House
  • Lovell
  • Pinnacle
  • Kew Gardens
  • Balfour Beatty

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