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Gardening Competition!

Our annual Garden Competition is on again. The entry date for this year’s competition has been extended to July 16, 2004.  

This years categories are:

  • Best garden
  • Best balcony/hanging basket
  • Best sheltered housing garden/communal area
  • Best youth flower/tree hand drawn picture
  • Best overall category winner

Please send recent photos of your garden with your entry form before the closing date.  Six gardens will be shortlisted from the photos we receive and these gardens only will be visited by the judges.  Good luck!

You can also pick up a form at your local housing office.

For further information please phone 020 8583 4431 or email communications.team@hounslowhomes.org.uk

Conditions of competition

  • You can only nominate your own garden/communal space and cannot enter other people’s gardens on their behalf.
  • No photos can be returned.
  • By signing the entry form, you are adhering to the use of photographs taken being used for publicity purposes, including the Hounslow Homes website.
  • The prizes are non transferable.
  • Entries must be received by midnight on July 16th, 2004.
  • Judging of gardens will commence between 2 - 13th August, 2004.  Hounslow Homes will contact you if you have reached the second round of judging.
  • The winner will be notified by post or email within 28 days of the judging.
  • The name and area of the winner will be announced on the Hounslow Homes website, and printed in Hounslow Homes News.  Details will also be sent to the local press.
  • Any entry that is incomplete, late or otherwise does not comply with the rules may be deemed invalid at the sole discretion of the promoter.
  • The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Click here to enter