Rainbow Project

What would you do with a slice of £1.5 Million?

Rainbow Project logoThe LBH executive have approved up to £1.5 million of Housing Revenue (HRA) reserves for the Rainbow Project, which asks all Hounslow Homes residents what project they would like to see happen to improve estates, local environment or run community based projects.

This one off funding will go towards projects looking to bring together all sections of the community, inviting groups to bid for grants to fund local projects identified by you, the residents. Support and Guidance will be offered whenever necessary, but this is about you taking ownership and control, directing progress and taking decisions every step of the way.

Residents were asked for their feedback on the rainbow project at this years HFTRA conference and were given till the end of May to respond.

Proposed Rainbow Project themes:

  • Promoting community cohesion(initiatives that aim to remove barriers in communities and support all people to play an active role)
  • Environmental schemes (reducing our carbon footprint, green schemes)
  • Transforming Estates (better landscaping and communal facilities)
  • Community Buildings (refurbishment and better facilities)
  • Social Enterprise (encouraging self sustainability/community led business)

Just remember this is your money, so we need all your plans and ideas!

Questions about the Rainbow Project?

Call the Customer Service Centre on 0800 085 65 75 or see our background information leaflet on what the process is and how you can get in touch with your ideas. .