How to get involved

Hounslow Homes wants more tenants to have a say in what improvements can be made to the way homes and neighbourhoods are managed.

Most people either join a residents' association or group on their estate if there is one. If there is no residents' association or group, tenants can set one up with the help of the Tenant Participation Officer.

Hounslow Homes has over 40 residents' associations and groups and most of these are affiliated to the Hounslow Federation of Tenants and Residents' Associations (HFTRA).

Being a member of a resident’ association or group helps you become an active member of a community group with the power to change how your estate and housing are managed and run. Associations also help you to get to know other members of your community and build community spirit and trust.

Hounslow Homes staff are happy to talk to tenants and residents' associations (TRAs) and other less formal groups about issues that are of interest to you.

Residents' associations have a written constitution and a democratically elected committee with a chair, secretary, and treasurer. The committee is elected annually at an annual general meeting. The committee represents your interests and must let you know about its work through open meetings, newsletters and publicising minutes of committee meetings.

Informal residents groups are made up of a few individuals, who come together to sort out issues of concern on an estate. They can meet with Hounslow Homes staff to talk about issues, however the group still has to let all tenants know about their actions and progress through newsletters and meetings on estates.

Informal residents groups don't need a formal constitution but the group should nominate a committee and elect a representative to HFTRA and other consultative meetings.

If you are resident interested in having your say but are not represented by an existing TRA or you are finding it difficult to organise their own group, HFTRA can keep you informed and raise issues of concern.

Other ways you can get involved

Join the Residents Panel

The Residents' Panel is a group of tenants and leaseholders who have agreed to be a part of a representative group that Hounslow Homes will regularly consult about different issues. The residents' panel is made up of 120 residents and was formed in February 2004.

To join the panel or for further information, please contact the Tenant Participation Officer in your area

Become a member of the

Hounslow Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations (HFTRA)

Make sure that your tenant or residents' association is affiliated to HFTRA and sends delegates to its meetings and conferences. Delegates can be elected to the Housing Management Forums and other decision-making bodies where they can make sure that your views and ideas influence the way your homes are managed.

You can be an individual tenant or leaseholder member of HFTRA and have your say and join with others to make a difference.

Join a forum

If you are interested in joining or woul like to know more about what happens at a forum, contact your area Tenant Participation Officer (contact details below)


If you would like more information about joining or setting up a residents group, or want to get in touch with the Tenant Participation Officer (TPO) in your area, contact details are as follows:

East Area:

Eileen Gladwell- TPO for East area can be contacted on 020 8583 4380 or mobile 07949 699408

You can also e-mail to

West Area

Jacky Rankine - TPO for West area can be contacted on 020 8583 4035 or mobile 07956 118137

You can also e-mail to

Central Area

Carol Jacob - TPO for Central area can be contacted on 020 8583 4047 or mobile 07944 701770

You can also e-mail to

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