Hounslow Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations

The Hounslow Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations (HFTRA) is an independent and non-political body made up of the various tenant and resident groups that represent the interests of council tenants and leaseholders in Hounslow.

HFTRA’s mission is to provide support for the communities where you live, helping you play a bigger part in improving your living environment.

The people working for HFTRA are all volunteers, elected by the membership and thier job is to talk to Hounslow Homes and the council about all sorts of housing-related issues and try to get the best deal for tenants and leaseholders.

HFTRA has a long history covering more than 35 years and a good working relationship has been developed between HFTRA and the Council during this time. With the arrival of Hounslow Homes, new working arrangements have had to be established. HFTRA are always trying to build upon the good work that has already been done and to further improve the level of influence that tenants and leaseholders can have on the management of housing in Hounslow.

HFTRA is always looking for new members and new ideas and likes to hear from as wide a range of tenants and leaseholders as possible.

There are open meetings every other month for people who are delegates from their tenant or residents' associations and for people who want to find out more about HFTRA and the work that they do.

If you would like to contact HFTRA, you can call them on 020 8569 5823