Tenant Training

Hounslow Homes runs a Tenant Training Programme for its tenants and leaseholders. Many of our residents have enjoyed taking part, attending courses such as:

  • First Aid at work
  • computer skills for beginners
  • sewing
  • music technology
  • basic skills and much more.

This years programme is currently being planned and we are looking for your ideas and suggestions on other training courses to add to the range of subjects we already cover. Contact your Tenant Participation Officer with your suggestions:

Fancy some training in a subject of your choice?

Hounslow Homes and Adult Education have joined forces to offer any tenant or leaseholder a total of 20 hours to put towards any Adult Education courses starting in September 2008

It could be: computer training, plumbing or bollywood dancing… THE CHOICE IS YOURS!

Look out for a list of courses by:

  • Visiting the London Borough of Hounslow website and go to the Education and Learning section
  • Picking up an Adult Education programme from your local council office or library

How to receive your voucher

Vouchers will appear in the free newsletter for residents, Hounslow Homes News which you will have received through your letterbox by Monday 9 June. If you do not receive one, please contact Communications on 020 8583 4137.

How to enrol and use your voucher

Simply present your voucher when booking. The 20 hours free training must be used during the 2008-09 academic year, starting September 2008. Booking help line number 0208 583 6000.

This voucher is only valid when presented prior to booking a course.

What to do if your course is longer than 20 hours

We will work out how many hours you use. If the course is longer, then we will work out how much you owe by deducting the first 20 hours. If it is a short course of 10 hours over five weeks for example, then you could do two 10-hour short courses for free! To qualify, you must be a Hounslow Homes tenant or resident over 16 years of age. Proof of identification that you are a Hounslow Homes tenant or leaseholder will be required for sign up - this can be a rent statement for tenants, or service charge letter for leaseholders.

There is only one voucher per household. A record will be kept of all households who sign up for free training.

To get the opportunity to receive free training in ANY adult education course, please look out for a voucher inside the May/June edition of Hounslow Homes News, the free magazine for Hounslow Homes residents.

See also the tenant and leaseholder training leaflet.

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