Gender Equality

What is the gender equality duty?

The Equality Act 2006 amends the Sex Discrimination Act 1976 to place a statutory obligation on all public authorities including arms length management organisations, when carrying out their functions, to have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Eliminate harassment
  • Promote equality of opportunity between men and women

This is known as ‘the gender duty.’ In addition to this general duty, Hounslow Homes has a number of specific duties. They are to:

  • Prepare and publish a Gender Equality Scheme - setting out our gender equality objectives,
  • Consider the need to include objectives to address the causes of any gender pay gap,
  • Gather and use information on how policies and practices affect gender equality,
  • Consult stakeholders and take account of relevant information,
  • Assess the impact of our current and proposed policies and practices,
  • Implement any identified actions set out in our Gender Equality Scheme within three years,
  • Report against the scheme every year and review it at least every three years

Further information can be obtained from the Equalities Team on 020 8583 3762/4011or e-mail to or to

You can also view a copy of:

The Gender Equality Scheme (PDF)

The Gender Equality Action Plan (PDF)