Disability Equality

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995, amended by the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA), placed a statutory general duty on all public authorities, including ALMO’s to actively promote disability equality. This means that Hounslow Homes, in carrying out all its functions (new & existing) must have due regard to the need to:

  • Promote equality of opportunity between disabled persons & other persons
  • Eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the DDA
  • Eliminate harassment of disabled persons that is related to their disabilities
  • Promote positive attitudes towards disabled persons
  • Encourage participation by disabled persons in public life
  • Take steps to take account of disabled persons disabilities, even where that involves treating disabled persons more favourably than other persons.

The DDA 2005 also places specific duties on public authorities, which although Hounslow Homes, as an ALMO is not legally required to meet, nevertheless the organisation welcomes. Hounslow Homes will endeavour to meet the specific duties to continue to meet good practice within the area of disability equality as well as to meet the duties passed on by Hounslow Council to Hounslow Homes, in carrying out work on its behalf.

Hounslow Homes is meeting the specific duty by producing and publishing its Disibility Equality Scheme and action plan which sets out how we will fulfil both the general & specific duties to promote disability equality for the next three years, with progress reviewed annually.

Hounslow Homes views its Disability Equality Scheme as a continuation of its Disability Equality Strategy, which was originally produced in January 2000, and revised again in 2005. You can also view our Disibility Matters Annual Report for information on how we are progressing with our Disibility Equality Scheme.

Further information can be obtained from Neghet Khan by e-mailing to neghet.khan@hounslowhomes.org.uk or by calling 020 8583 4011

A leaflet entitled 'Accessing Hounslow Homes Services' is also available, with further information on the various ways we can communicate with you.