Hounslow Neighbourhood Wardens

Mon, 16 February 2024

Hounslow Neighbourhood Wardens were established in April 2001. The Warden Scheme was funded by a DETR Grant of £240,596 with a contribution from Hounslow Housing services of £203, 726 and £25, 250 from Thames Valley Housing Association.

The original team of six wardens covered six estates in the borough that had been highlighted by the Local Police and community safety partnership. The teams provided a seven days a week service and carried out vehicle and foot patrols as well as responding to calls from residents via the warden hotline.

Today the Neighbourhood Warden team is funded completely by Hounslow Homes and has two senior wardens, 12 neighbourhood wardens and a pool of eight casual wardens who cover as required.

The Warden Team now has six vehicles, covers anti social behaviour, carries out estate monitoring and covers the whole of the borough on estates highlighted as having an ASB problem or on referral from the Estate Management team.

The warden service works in partnership with Thames Valley Housing Association, Richmond Housing Partnership and the Local Metropolitan Police Safer neighbourhood Teams.

The aims of the neighbourhood warden service are to:

  • Provide a uniformed reassuring presence.
  • Target and reduce local problems of crime and anti social behaviour.
  • Increase community involvement and reduce the fear of crime.
  • Improve the quality of life for residents.