Changes to Concierge Services

Thu, 03 April 2024

Since 2004 following a review of the Concierge service, Hounslow Homes has been unable to cover all of the sites during times of sickness and holiday. We are aware residents have expressed their dissatisfaction with this, and opening time statistics have shown the difficulties faced in ensuring service provision.

In response to these concerns and a need to provide a robust service within budget constraints, a further review has taken place. The outcome has bought about a change to the current Concierge service by allocating the available resources to the control blocks on the Ivybridge, Brentford Towers, Heston Farm and Highfields estates, and ensure these are staffed 100% of opening times. The service received by those blocks who used to have a concierge service will continue via a link to the control block as is the case with some blocks already and when the 'satellite' blocks are closed for staff shortages.

At the same time we are also extending our Neighbourhood Warden Service, which is a service that all our customers can benefit from. This service has been key to our approach to tackling anti social behaviour and has shown real benefits in preventing ASB, and gathering evidence to hold perpetrators accountable.

If you would like to talk to someone about how these changes effect you please contact Hounslow Homes freephone number - 0800 085 6575.