Crack House Closure

Thu, 03 April 2024

Due to the cooperation of Hounslow Homes staff, residents and the Feltham Police Safer Neighbourhood Team a property, which was being used to cultivate cannabis for sale within the community, was uncovered this February.

The property was entered under the authority of a warrant and it was immediately evident plants were being grown within the premises with the aid of solar lighting/heating panels and extractor fans. The tenant was found with weighing scales and small plastic bags, which were being used in the distribution of drugs. A quantity of white powder was also found during the search.

In addition to this another nearby property was searched and a further cannabis factory was discovered with similar hydroponics equipment. This resulted in three arrests being made. We thank all the residents who were able to provide Hounslow Homes and the police with valuable information, which led to these drug dens being discovered and closed down.

If you witness any suspicious behaviour or suspect any drug activity on your estate or in your area contact Hounslow Homes on 0800 085 6575 or the police. All information will be treated confidentially.