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Gardening Competition winners

The winners of the 2009 Hounslow Homes Gardening Competition are announced

This years gardening competition was an extremely close race with a number of fantastic gardens and balconies. The judges had a difficult time deciding on the winners. The awards were presented at Hounslow Homes new Housing Heroes Event held on the 24th of September.

The 2009 winners are:

Best Garden sponsored by Pinnacle

Winner: Olive Lott

Runners up: Ken Turner and Mrs Everett

Best Hanging Basket or Balcony sponsored by Sodexo

Winner: Martha Elsseser

Runner up: Ann Hastie

Best Communal Area/Sheltered Housing Garden sponsored by Pinnacle

Winner: Roy Astridge Lambert Lodge

Runners up: June Perkins and Gerald Butler Boswood Court

Best Inspirational Garden sponsored by Complete Tree Care

Winner: Anne Ephgrave

Congratulations to all the gardening competition winners, you make Hounslow a more beautiful place to live.

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