Neighbourhood Wardens

About the Service

Our Neighbourhood Warden service aims to:

  • Improve and make your local neighbourhood a safe place
  • Reduce the fear of crime
  • Reduce anti-social behaviour including harassment, racial harassment/nuisance

Neighbourhood wardens also help the community in many other ways, such as assisting with fun days, reporting repairs, reporting abandoned cars, recommending environmental improvements and helping with emergencies.

Residents can pass information to the Wardens by leaving a message on the Warden Hotline (020 8583 4141). If there is a problem or a problem area that you would like the Wardens to investigate, please leave a message. All messages are treated in confidence and you do not need to leave your details.

The Neighbourhood Warden Service will answer calls on a priority system. If the Wardens are unable to assist or attend a call out they will contact the complainant with an explanation or offer advice.

The Neighbourhood Wardens also work with the local Police Safer Neighbourhood Team for your area.

Please continue to use your Estate Manager, who together with the team of Wardens and other partner agencies will be working to reduce crime and fear of crime in your neighbourhood.

Your co-operation and support is needed to help make our estates safer and cleaner places to live.

Please report problems of anti social behaviour, graffiti, racial harassment, youth nuisance, abandoned cars, vandalism, noise and fly tipping to Hounslow Homes by contacting the Customer Service Centre. You can also use the interactive services on your Sky, Virgin or mobile to report estate issues.

Contact us

The Neighbourhood Wardens are on duty from 3-11pm daily

Neighbourhood Warden Hotline 020 8583 4141 open daily between 3-10pm.

Please call our Customer Service Centre for all your council housing enquiries Freephone: 0800 085 6575

Minicom: 0800 389 9821


The Customer Service Centre is open 8am-8pm Monday-Friday. At all other times please call 020 8583 2222.

In an emergency, please call the Police

Emergency: 999 Non-emergency: 0300 123 1212

Latest News from the Wardens

February 2012

Service Certified by the Wardens Charter

Hounslow Neighbourhood Wardens have now been certified with the 'Warden Charter', The issuing authority commented how impressed they were with the assessment and the quality of the work submitted and the quality of the information provided by the Hounslow Homes Warden Service.

Higher Visibility Warden Patrols

Residents commented that they don't always see the Wardens out and about on their patrols, We spoke to other Warden Services from around the country and have decided to equip the Warden fleet of Vehicles with flashing Amber Lights which can be used on the larger Estates to show the residents that the Wardens are around and to givesome reassurance on the dark winter nights.

Haverfied Estate CCTV System is now up and working

The Neighbourhood Warden Team are now able to monitor the new Haverfield CCTV System, Since the system was installed back in April the team have recorded Incidents of Timber being stolen from a contractors site, Metal being stolen, A Burglary suspect trying to evade Police, Theft from a Motor Vehicle, A nuisance Motorbike riding around footpaths on the Estate, A Company Van Driver being abusive to our Caretaking colleagues, We have also assisted the local Police with a number of other investigations including a theft of Lead from Burford House and a very serious Incident in Tunstall Walk.

CCTV on the move

The New Warden Vehicles are now equipped with the latest CCTV Camera Equipment, Wardens are now able to record any anti social behaviour that they witness on our Estates.

All Neighbourhood Warden patrols have Head Camera units available to use when they are out and about on the Estates. This gives the Wardens the added protection needed to indentify perpetrators that are causing problems.

Police Borough Commander visits to the Wardens

Police Borough Commander David Bilson made a visit to the Neighbourhood WardensOffice in November to take a look at the Service and to view recent successes. The Borough Commander commented to Hounslow Homes' Chief Executive Bernadette O' Shea a few days later when they spoke that he was impressed with his visit to the Neighbourhood Wardens, that the team were highly professional, impressive and that he valued the service provided for the well being of residents.

Wardens assist Hounslow Homes Estate Managers with Squatters

Residents alerted the Neighbourhood Wardens to an address which had been taken over by squatters in Cedar Road in Hounslow. Residents were worried that this house was being used for drug andalcohol use and there was a possibility that the house was being used to store stolen property. Wardens updated the Estate Manager for the area who started legal proceedings to evict the squatters, The Wardens also spoke to worried residents on a regular basis and after a few weeks wardens received information that the squatters had not been seen for a few days. Wardens updated the Estate Manger who attended with the Police and took back the empty property saving Hounslow Homes the court / legal costs of the eviction.

Wardens find Cannabis Hidden at Holly House in Brentford

Whilst attending a community event at Holly House, Wardens found a quantity of cannabis hidden in a gutter. The cannabis was handed to the Police who were also in attendance. Wardens and Police patrols have been increased in this area since the find.

Rough sleepers moved on by Wardens and Police

Wardens and Police have worked together with caretakers to identify and move on rough sleepers using communal areas on Benson Close and Brentford Towers recently. To date, four people have been moved on since the start of November.

Arrest for Cannabis cultivation

Wardens were alerted to a strong smell of cannabis coming from an address on a Brentford Estate. Wardens updated Local Police from the Brentford and Syon Safer Neighbourhood Teams and a Police Raid of the address was carried out. A Quantity of cannabis plants were seized during the raid and the tenant was arrested by Police for cannabis cultivation.

Residents caught Fly Tipping

Wardens and Concierge have worked together to identify residents observed to be fly tipping on the Brentford Towers Estate. During November two residents were identified and have been charged for the disposal of their goods.

Bogus Caller

Residents should be aware of a white male aged 35 – 40 Years who knocks at addresses and tells you that he needs to borrow money as his wife has beern taken ill and he needs to get to the Hospital, Do not give this man any money : Call the Police.

And Finally

Wardens have noticed an increase in residents, tenants and visitors who decide to use the lifts on our estates as toilets. In the last month we have gathered CCTV images of three people urinating in the lifts. These images have been passed to the Estate Management and to the Police who will hopefully indentify these anti social people. Once Identified these people will be charged for the clean up and may face action from the Police.