Percy Gardens

About Percy Gardens Residents Association

"Communal living for the best....."

Within sight of the Thames and alongside the Duke of Northumberland’s river, Percy Gardens, Isleworth, is a unique place to live..

Percy Gardens Resident's Association has been founded in order to stimulate dialogue and contact between all residents, whether tenants or leaseholders, of Percy Gardens, in both the high and low-rise dwellings.

We arrange brief and well-managed meetings for those with the time and inclination to attend, but we wish to try and develop on-line and any other methods of communication that can make the group truly representative of our diverse community.

The Association seeks not only to promote dialogue and a sense of community amongst residents, but also to open swift and direct channels of communication with the landlords and a range of local services. Hounslow Homes, the Neighbourhood Wardens and the police have so far been represented.

Although we all live privately, the nature of the buildings requires that we share certain communal spaces. The Association promotes respect for the rights of everyone living here and wishes to ensure that the communal spaces and facilities are used in a respectful, thoughtful and caring manner.


Please check back for details of the next meeting to be held.

These meetings are open to everyone who is resident in the low and high rise dwellings of Percy Gardens, tenants and leaseholders.

It doesn’t matter whether you have lived here for a long or short time, how long you intend staying, whether you feel involved or not, content or otherwise, whether you are old or young, this is an open invitation for everyone to come and discuss how we can continue to make Percy Gardens a harmonious and pleasant place to live.

If this time or date is not convenient for you, try and speak to, leave a note for, or ring someone who will be attending so that your voice can be heard.