Ivybridge Junior Rangers

We are the Ivybridge Junior Rangers

What we do

The Junior Rangers walk on the Ivybridge Estate looking for anything that needs reporting to Hounslow Homes. We look at the flower beds, for overgrown areas, graffiti, look for litter and we check the playground equipment to make sure its not broken. We help at the Langdale Centre and are always thinking of ways to make our estate a better place to live.

How we got started

It all began when we got a letter from Marion at Hounslow Homes asking us if we wanted to become Junior Wardens. We had already done lots on our estate and were writing to Marion with lists of things that needed doing and ideas on how to make our estate better.

After we won a Young Tenant of the Year award we decided it would be a good idea and thats how it started. We wanted to make a difference. we know it will not happen straight away and will be lots of hard work, but slowly people around us will start to see the changes.

Latest news from the Junior Rangers

Windows On Ivybridge Diary

Day one- On the first day we all got given cameras and we took a walk to Twickenham and around the Ivybridge estate. We took a bus to Brentford Girls school and uploaded all the pictures we had taken.

Day two - We learnt how to use photoshopand started picking the photos we wanted.

Day three - We all checked that we had picked all the photos we wanted and started thinking of designs. Later that day we finished and put the pictures we had created on display. We all had a great time and the project was superb.

Megan, Lesley and Shannon Jones

Young Tenant of the Year award

In 2009, we won the 'Young Tenant of the Year' award for taking part in projects on our estate and working hard to make it a better place to live. This year we are going to work hard to make Ivybridge a nicer place to be.

Become a Junior Ranger

Would you like to join the Junior Rangers? If you live on the Ivybridge Estate and are aged between 12 -14 you can join the Rangers to help improve the estate. If you live on another estate in Hounslow and would like to start your own Junior Rangers team where you live, we can give you the help and support to get started.

For more information, e-mail to fiona.king@hounslowhomes.org.uk