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Sheltered Housing

About Sheltered Housing

Hounslow Homes manages 28 Sheltered Housing Schemes throughout the borough. Sheltered Housing is specially designed for people aged 60 and over who wish to maintain their independence and have support needs. Most Sheltered Housing Tenants can manage alone for most of the time, with the added security of an alarm system for emergencies and a sheltered scheme manager for support aiding maintenance or improving individual’s independence.

HH has a range of sheltered housing provision which vary in size. We have a selection of bedsits and studio properties around the borough with the majority of the accommodation being one bedroom self contained flats with their own front door. We also have a limited number of 2 bedroom accommodation. All flats are centrally heated, have emergency alarm facilities to summon assistance in an emergency and have smoke detection equipment built in as part of the premises features.

Almost all our schemes have communal facilities where Tenants can choose to join in social activities and have a communal laundry which is provided as part of the service.

All sheltered tenants receive a daily visit 6 days a week from a scheme manager as a crisis prevention measure and monitoring of their well-being.

Scheme Managers provide a holistic person centred, professional, support service which includes at least a six monthly review of support needs of all tenants via the support planning process. Scheme Managers have expertise in working with the needs of older people and undergo regular training.

They also respond to all emergency calls made via the alarm system during their working hours, facilitating the appropriate intervention from other services as needs require. Additionally they also manage the buildings reporting on appropriate issues to relevant departments, for example, repairs and help facilitate scheme social events.

The Emergency Alarm System

All Sheltered Housing Flats have an emergency alarms so that tenants can access assistance in an emergency. When the scheme manager is on duty this goes through to them and outside of their duty hours or when they are away from the scheme this goes through to Linkline, Hounslow’s Community alarm service.

When an alarm is activated the alarm system allows for two way communication between the Manager or Linkline office and the tenant in the flat. Staff are experienced to ascertain the most appropriate action required and will visit immediately when required.

What can sheltered housing offer me?

  • The services of a sheltered scheme manager who will visit you 6 days a week to confirm that you are well and if necessary provide reassurance, advice and assistance on how to link into services that will help maintain your independence.
  • Regular support planning that meets your needs.
  • Independence and Privacy; each property has its own front door and sheltered housing offers an alternative independent living environment, with support as and when required.
  • Each scheme has a communal lounge, laundry facilities, central heating, door entry system and communal gardens. Most schemes also have a lift.
  • All tenants can access the facilities of a guest room for a small charge when they have visitors to stay. Whilst not all our schemes have this facility it can usually be accessed through a near by scheme.
  • Opportunities for socialising and group activities with peers.
  • Trained staff to understand the different cultural and religious needs of the diverse communities in Hounslow.
  • All flats have an integral alarm system in the property, for use in an emergency. During the scheme managers hours this is answered by them and outside of those hours this connects to Linkline who will facilitate the appropriate response and attend if necessary.
  • A professional panel will assess your housing and support needs to ensure you are offered the appropriate housing service.
  • If you are a council tenant that wants to move into a smaller property you may be eligible for the ‘Trading Places’ scheme where you can receive £1,000 for every bedroom that becomes available when you move in to a smaller property.

What does the scheme manager do?

  • Welcome you to your home when you first move in and aid the settling in process. This will include explaining the facilities and how to use the emergency alarm and entry door intercom equipment
  • Have daily contact with you 6 days a week to provide reassurance and monitor your well-being
  • Undertake comprehensive support planning at least 6 monthly or as and when required
  • Ensure your alarm system is working by performing checks on the equipment at least 6 monthly
  • Respond to emergency calls within their working hours facilitating appropriate help (outside of their hours Linkline will respond and provide assistance. This service operates 24 hours a day 365 days a year)
  • When appropriate, contact your next of kin in an emergency
  • Liaise with other services advocating on your behalf where this assistance is required. This may include contacting carers, reporting repairs and referring you to other services
  • Maintain confidential records including details of your Doctor, next of kin and any other appropriate information
  • Provide emergency assistance and support as required by assessing each individual situation and the needs of each tenant
  • Assist in facilitating tenant functions in the communal areas

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for sheltered housing you or your partner must be:

  • Aged 60 or over.
  • Have a support need such as Meals on Wheels, homecare or some kind of daily assistance.
  • Have assets of less than £50,000.

How do I apply?

To apply you should complete a application form available through LBH re-housing unit .

Rehousing Unit

Civic Centre

Lampton Road



Tel: 0208 583 2000

Hounslow Homes tenants can collect a form from their local housing office or contact the Customer Service Centre on 0800 085 65 75 to request a transfer application form. You can also email to customerservicecentre@hounslowhomes.org.uk

What happens next?

All Sheltered housing applications are assessed by the special needs panel which is made up of professional staff who assess each application to ensure that all applicants have a support need and that Sheltered Housing is the most appropriate accommodation to meet those needs.

Once you have been approved for sheltered housing, you will automatically become a member of the Locata scheme. The Locata scheme is a choice based letting system, where you can bid for a property.

A smaller property – Trading places

Many of the councils' properties are currently under-occupied, and larger accommodation for families is in short supply. The Trading Places scheme encourages tenants in properties with spare rooms they no longer need to “trade down” into a smaller home.

As well as a high priority for a move, generous financial incentives are also available. For downsizing to a smaller property, £1000 is awarded for every bedroom given up by the tenant.

For example, if you move from a 4 bedroom home into a one-bedroom home, you will receive £3000 to spend just as you wish!

If you are living in a larger property and are considering a move to Sheltered Housing you may be eligible under this scheme.

What can ‘Trading Places’ provide for you?

  • £1000 for each bedroom released.
  • A change in banding on Locata. If you release two or more bedrooms or move to a 1 bedroom property, you will be awarded Band A. If you release one bedroom you will be awarded Band B.
  • Help bidding for properties on Locata.
  • Help with moving to sheltered housing.
  • Help with removal costs and disconnection fees.

Am I eligible?

If you are a Hounslow Homes or Registered Social Landlord tenant and you are living in a property with bedrooms that are not in use, then you are eligible to apply for the trading places scheme.

If you are currently in rent arrears you may still qualify for the trading places scheme as long as the amount you owe can be off set by the amount you receive from the scheme.

For example if your rent arrears total to £500 and you give up a 1 bedroom entitling you to £1000 from the scheme, the you will receive £500 and the rest will be used to pay off your rent arrears.

How do I apply?

To apply you should complete a transfer application form available from local housing offices or by calling the Customer Service Centre on 0800 085 65 75. You can also email to customerservicecentre@hounslowhomes.org.uk

What happens next?

Once we receive your application form, you will be registered on Locata the choice based letting scheme. Locata will send you a welcome pack with your registration number and bidding information, and the recent issue of Locata magazine for you to start looking for your new home.

Who do I contact?


Overcrowding and Under-Occupying Scheme change-in-spaces@hounslow.gov.uk or call 0208 583 6739/4246

Customer Service Centre

0800 085 65 75, Minicom 0800 389 9830 or alternatively email to customerservicecentre@hounslowhomes.org.uk


020 8583 4400

Handy Persons Scheme/Care and Repair Hounslow

020 8583 3878

Private Sector residents

If you live in the private sector in the London Borough of Hounslow please call: 020 8583 4402 or 020 8583 4403

Or you can write to:

Housing Allocation Team, Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3 4DN