News March 2012

News and press releases for March 2012

Lower your energy bills and save money
Wed, 28 March 2024
15 tips on how to lower your energy bills and advice on how to switch energy suppliers and save money!

Board Elections
Mon, 26 March 2024
Don't forget to cast your vote for a new Leaseholder and new Tenant Board Member

Changes to the Housing Allocations process
Thu, 22 March 2024
The council are making changes to the way social housing will be provided, find out how this affects you

Changes to the Right to Buy discount
Mon, 19 March 2024
The Right to Buy discount changes from 2 April 2024

Weare1 Community Care
Mon, 19 March 2024
Weare1 - Collaborative working towards greater community care

Worton Road Estate structural repairs
Mon, 19 March 2024
Structural work to be carried out to properties on the Worton Road Estate -information for affected residents

Staying on top of Tenancy Fraud
Thu, 15 March 2024
How we've been hitting our target to reduce Tenancy Fraud

Changes to Housing Benefit services
Thu, 15 March 2024
Changes to services at the Langdale Centre and Brentford Housing Office

Change of Bank Details
Thu, 15 March 2024
Our bank account changes from the 1 April 2012. Make sure you have the right details before paying your rent or service charges

World Book Day
Wed, 07 March 2024
Did you miss World Book Day on 1 March 2012?

National Careers Week
Wed, 07 March 2024
National Careers Week from the 5 to the 9 March 2024

Tenant Training
Mon, 05 March 2024
Have we got a free course for you?

Digital Switchover
Fri, 02 March 2024
The digital switchover is here!

Save money online course
Fri, 02 March 2024
Free Saving Money Online Sessions from Age UK

Sports Bursary
Thu, 01 March 2024
Has Hounslow Homes got sporting talent? £3000 Sports Bursary on offer to residents aged 8 -19

LBH Staff recognition scheme
Thu, 01 March 2024
Has a member of staff provided you with exceptional service?