Thinking of switching your energy supplier ?

Thu, 27 October 2023

Look at your current bills.

They should tell you how much energy you use (in kWh), how much it costs and the exact tariff name.

Compare the costs of different providers

Energy comparison sites are a good way of doing this. Use one of the internet price comparison sites that are accredited to the Customer Focus Confidence Code (such as those listed below). You will need to provide information about where you live and about your current energy consumption.

Compare the costs of using a dual supplier (buying both gas and electricity from one supplier) with having separate suppliers

Dual supply is often, but not always, cheaper.

Tips to save, whether you stay or switch

Consider paying by Direct Debit

Paying a fixed amount each month by Direct Debit can save you money. Most suppliers will estimate your future energy usage based on your current consumption and will then claim monthly or quarterly amounts based on this. This can result in you making under or over payments. You can avoid this, however, by taking regular meter readings yourself and providing the supplier with these.

Try internet billing

You can often get a discount by receiving your bills online rather than by post.

Change your payment method

If you have a pre-payment meter see if you can change your payment method. Direct Debit tariffs are usually the cheapest option but switching to a billed meter could save you money. Even if this is not an option, you can still use comparison sites to compare pre-payment tariffs. And make sure you buy your top-ups from a recognised source – don’t buy them from doorstep seller.

Do a meter reading every time

Every time you receive a bill, check the meter. Most bills are based on estimates, and these are often inaccurate. If your supplier has under-estimated, you’ll have to pay the difference at the end of the year. If they have overestimated, you’ll get refunded, but not for several months.

Try cutting your energy bills

There are lots of little things you can do to cut your energy consumption – see the tips overleaf provided by Hounslow Homes.

Worried about fuel costs?

The Consumer Focus Help Finder can help you find out what grants, discounts or free energy help you may be able to get based on your personal circumstances

Further advice

Whatever your situation, get clear, unbiased information and advice from the Money Advice Service.

Visit their website or call one of our trained advisers on: 0300 500 5000

15 Tips for lower energy bills

Are you happy paying your gas and electricity supplier more money than you need to? Thought not... Here are 15 ways to cut your bills.

1. Turning your central heating thermostat down by one degree. You’ll hardly notice the change in temperature, but it’ll make a big difference to your heating bill.

2. Set your heating to suit your routine. For example set your heating to go off 30 minutes before you leave the house and come on again 30 minutes before you expect to return.

3. Draw your curtains at dusk to help keep the heat generated inside your rooms.

4. Make sure your radiators are not obstructed. If you have radiators by windows, tuck the curtains behind them.

5. Put on extra clothes or use another blanket in bed.

6. Is your water too hot? Your cylinder thermostat should be set at 60°C / 140°F.

7. Have a standard shower. This will use around 40% of the water required for a bath.

8. Remember to switch the lights off. On dark winter evenings we switch on the light whenever we go into a room – but make sure you switch it off again when you leave.

9. Switch it off! Save money by using the power switch on the appliance or turn it off at the plug. Also, use energy efficient light bulbs – they last around 10 times longer than normal bulbs and use 75% less electricity.

10. Buy energy efficient appliances with the “Energy Saving Recommended” logo or the ‘EU energy label’ to save money and energy.

11. Boil the kettle with only as much water as you need (but make sure you cover the metal element at the base).

12. Don’t leave the fridge door open and avoid putting hot or warm food straight into the fridge as this increases the energy required to keep the contents cold.

13. Washing clothes at 30 degrees can be just as effective for a normally soiled load.

14. Use full loads or economy programmes when running your washing machine or dishwasher.

15. Avoid tumble drying – dry clothes outdoors or on indoor dryers. Clothes dried in the fresh air feel great, and there are drying days in winter too.

Interested in some home energy training?

To register your interest in a future workshop / training session focusing upon home energy management, please contact Hounslow Homes on: Tel: 0208 583 4602 Email: