Lavender Court Celebrates

Wed, 25 August 2023

Residents of Lavender Court, one of Hounslow Homes Sheltered Housing Schemes, celebrated the opening of their new conservatory last Friday.

Built by the Repairs Team of Hounslow Homes, this conservatory will provide residents with a new area in which to spend time. Previously they have had a smaller common area or one of their flats in which to socialise but now, with this added conservatory they are all able to get together for meetings, dances, afternoon teas or even just to pursue their hobbies.

A resident of Lavender Court, Betty Jikiemi said: 'Well it’s sociable and we use it all the time now. We can now socialise with everyone. We use it in the evenings or for afternoon teas, we even had a tea dance in here and everyone comes and participates. It’s just brilliant.'

The conservatory was opened by Lavender Court’s eldest resident, Winnie, 97, who said: 'It’s bright and very nice for the residents to have this.' The day was celebrated with songs and dances performed by residents.