The National Conversation

Your chance to have a say about standards in social housing

The Tenant Services Authority (TSA) is the new regulator for homes by housing associations and co-ops. From spring 2010 they are likely to be responsible for local council and arm’s length management organisation (ALMO) landlords too.

The first thing the TSA will do is draw up a brand new set of standards for all social landlords. These standards are important as the TSA will be monitoring how landlords do in meeting them – and taking action against any who don’t.

How you can get involved

The TSA is going to listen to tenants across England to help them understand what you want to see in the new standards. It is calling this the ‘National Conversation’, and it will start on 19 January 2024 and last until the 11 March 2009.

This is your opportunity to help set the standards for all social housing landlords and make sure services for tenants continue to improve.

There are lots of ways that you can take part in the National Conversation. The TSA will be holding a number of regional events for a number of tenants and other events for landlords.

You can also get involved in ‘Local Conversations’. We will be arranging events in your area. For more information you can contact a Tenant Participation Officer

Local Conversations don’t have to be formal, they could be a group of tenants getting together over a cup of tea in somebody’s home or in a community centre. If you would like to organise your own event from the 12 January onwards, you can get a resource pack from the TSA by calling 0845 230 7000 (select option1) or visit their website for more information – You can also speak to a Tenant Participation Officer for help with organising an event.

Events you can attend

Local conversations have already been scheduled for residents to attend:

12 February, Belvedere House, Feltham at 7pm

17 February, Benson Close, Hounslow at 7pm

3 March, Chiswisk Town Hall at 7pm

If you would like information on how your can organise your own small event, you can request a resource pack by calling us on 020 8583 4431 or e-mail to