Locata Bidding

There's more ways than you think to bid online

Locata bidding online has now become the norm for most, with a staggering 98.96%* of all transfer applicants and homeseekers in Hounslow choosing to bid online. You can still bid by phone, coupon or text, however, there are more ways that you might think to get your bids in via the web:

Online by visiting the Locata website via your PC or laptop

Your local housing reception – No internet access at home? Visit your local housing reception and use one of our new touch screen kiosks. Just select the ‘Locata’ button and log in as normal to view your history, view properties and make your bids.

DigiTV – Our DigiTV service is available at home on your TV or on the move (internet connection required). For each, once you’ve entered the service, select the option to ‘Bid on Locata’:

  • Sky: Go to channel 539, press the red button and use our quick code HH(44) from your remote to find Hounslow Homes
  • Virgin: Press the interactive button, select news and info, select Looking Local, enter the quick code
  • Facebook: Update your status on Facebook, then visit the Hounslow Homes Facebook page, click on the DigiTV link and enter the quick code
  • iPhone, iPad or Android: Visit your app store and download the free Looking Local App. Open the app, select nearby services and then Hounslow Homes.
  • Any mobile: Alternatively, you can use your internet browser to search for Locata or type in https://www.locata.org.uk/Hounslow/ logging in as normal.

Remember - to bid you will need to log in to Locata by selecting HOU for the partner code, your Locata Identification Number (LIN) and your date of birth (as the registered applicant).

All the above services are available to all transfer applicants and homeseekers. Please note that all bids treated equally and no method of bidding is given preferential treatment over another.

For help and advice on Locata and bidding, please call the Customer Service Centre on 0800 0856575

*Source: Locata statistics for issues 275 -287