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Court agrees to possession order* on Syon estate resident

for seven-year race hate campaign

Hounslow Homes, on behalf of London Borough Hounslow, has obtained a possession order against a resident from Beech Avenue in Brentford for inflicting racial harassment on a neighbouring family.  Possession of the property will pass to Hounslow Homes on the 11th January.

In the interim, the court has agreed to an injunction* which prevents the resident from harassing the family concerned.

“This case was particularly complex involving a number of allegations and counter-allegations so we’re pleased that the judge ruled in favour of the order.  The verdict demonstrates the serious consequences of persistent racial harassment and the responsibility each resident has to be tolerant to their neighbours.  We hope this result encourages other residents to come forward with evidence of racially-motivated harassment so that we can take the necessary action to stop it”, says Lesley Roberts, Director of Housing Services, Hounslow Homes.

Peter Herbert, Chair of the Race Hate Crime Forum for London, said:  "The London-Wide Race Hate Crime Forum welcomes the judges decision and recognises the 'achievement' of decisive action being taken when a number of families have experienced many years of appalling racial harassment.  

Lesley Roberts from Hounslow Homes added: “I would like to commend and thank the residents who were brave enough to give evidence of this sustained harassment and my staff and our legal advisers who worked very hard on bringing the evidence together.”

Local residents are able to report incidents of anti-social behaviour or race crime by contacting the Police or:

Hounslow Homes’ East Area General Enquiries line on: 020 8583 4220

In cases of violence or threatened violence, residents should dial: 999

*"A possession order is a Court ruling which allows a landlord to take possession of the resident's property.  In this case the resident has been provided with a short period of time to make future arrangements before eviction."

*If an injunction is breached, the resident involved could face a prison sentence.

Additional comments on the case

Peter Herbert, Chair of the London-wide Race Hate Crime Forum:

“There are important lessons to be learned from this decision and for police and local authorities across London to demonstrate that racial harassment will not be tolerated and that action will be taken against perpetrators. There can be no hiding place for racists who seek to make the lives of ordinary Londoners a misery.”

Bennett Obong, Project Manager of the London-wide Race Hate Crime Forum added:

“The work of the Forum demonstrates that it is able to support and encourage more effective multi-agency working to achieve a successful result in cases such as this. Our hope is that this will continue to be replicated in all boroughs and send out a clear message to ensure London truly becomes a safer city for all of London’s communities and visitors alike.”