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Local resident organises ground-breaking partnership between

BAA and Hounslow Homes to tackle anti-social behaviour

Local volunteer and BAA employee, Rachel Heydon, brought Hounslow Homes and BAA Heathrow together to make Bedfont safer for local residents.

Thanks to Rachel’s determination the airport company and housing organisation are providing two neighbourhood wardens to patrol a BAA owned field at Two Bridges Farm in Bedfont. The field is well used by local residents for dog walking and recreation.   

The Hounslow Homes wardens will patrol the field seven days a week to deter criminal activities and nuisance behaviour.  They will also report any instances of criminal or anti-social behaviour in order that the police can take action against perpetrators.  The partnership is the first of its kind in the history of Hounslow Homes.

Lesley Roberts, Director of Housing Services, Hounslow Homes: “Our neighbourhood warden service, which has recently been extended to 32 estates, has a proven ability in reducing crime, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour by operating as the eyes and ears on council-owned areas suffering from high levels of crime.  We are therefore delighted to extend this service to an area owned by BAA.  From April to October last year, our wardens reported over 1176 incidents - many of which resulted in actions to stop anti-social behaviour.  This agreement reaffirms our commitment to making Hounslow a safer and nicer place to live and also generates income which we can use to maintain a high standard of service.”

David Mulholland, Environment Manager for BAA Heathrow said “BAA is happy to work with Hounslow Homes on this trial venture which will make a big difference to local residents living around the area. “

Rachel Heydon, local resident and employee at BAA said:  "This partnership shows how local people with enough determination can make a difference to their area. I am fortunate enough to work for BAA and be part of HFTRA (Hounslow Federation of Tenants’ and Residents’ Associations) and was able to bring the two together for the benefit of local residents.”

The service started this month and will last for 6 months.  In the meantime, Hounslow Homes will be working to encourage funding from other local companies to develop partnerships against crime and help prevent anti-social behaviour and hate crime in the borough.