Smoke Free Policy

In 2006, the Government published a new Health Act that introduced a ban on smoking in enclosed or substantially enclosed areas within virtually all public places and all workplaces in England and Wales from the summer of 2007.

We have reviewed our existing policy on smoking and as a result changes have been made that will ensure that the requirements of the Act are met. These changes have undergone consultation with HFTRA, Area Tenant Forums, Sheltered Housing Forum and within the organisation itself.

Download our Smoke Free Policy for more information

Why the government introduced the ban

Wherever people smoke, there is secondhand smoke in the air. Breathing in secondhand smoke is sometimes called passive smoking.

Secondhand smoke is a cause of lung cancer and respiratory disease with evidence suggesting a link to heart disease and asthmatic attacks in children. Restrictions on smoking in public places and work places are therefore necessary to protect non smokers.

The changes and how they affect you

The changes will comprised of a ban on smoking within enclosed or substantially enclosed common parts of domestic buildings from 1st April 2007. Common parts will include corridors, lifts, landings and foyers.

When the ban is implemented nationwide on 1st July 2007 fixed penalty fines and criminal prosecutions may be taken when non-conformities are identified both to Hounslow Homes and those smoking in smoke free areas.

Smoking in your home

You can still smoke in your home, as the Act does not affect smoking where you live, however, our revised policy provides employees and Contractors with advice should they visit a property where smoking takes place. This advice includes asking occupants not to smoke during the visit or to open a window.

How to get help and advice to give up smoking

Contact the NHS Smoking Helpline on 0800 169 0 169 or go to