Our vision is: To be the best ALMO in the country and the provider of choice for Hounslow tenants and leaseholders.
Our strategic themes and commitments are:
- Improving operating quality and efficiency
- Delivering 'housing plus' services to all residents
- Investing the housing assets of LBH through improved procurement
- Developing new housing for the community
- Developing new services and products
- Create a high performance culture across the organisation
You can also view our Service Delivery Plan in full. If you have any questions about our vision, objectives or delivery plan, please contact the Communications Team on 020 8583 4431 or e-mail to communications.team@hounslowhomes.org.uk
You can also send any queries to:
The Communications Team
Hounslow Homes Ltd
St.Catherines House
2 Hanworth Road
TW13 5AB