The Board

Hounslow Homes is governed by a board of 15 members. The board is made up of 7 tenant member, 1 is leaseholder member, 4 council members and 4 independent members. The board members serve as volunteers and only receive out of pocket expenses. The board’s key role is to give strategic leadership to the organisation.

The Structure of the Board

The Board meets bi-monthly and has delegated some of its decision-making responsibilities to three formal committees responsible for specific functions:

  • Finance Committee
  • Personnel Committee
  • Best Value and Scrutiny Committee

The Board also has Working Groups and Housing Management Forums, which oversee specified areas of the company’s work.

Dates of Board meetings are available on the right.

Hounslow Homes is currently reviewing its governance arrangements.

For further information, please contact Jacqueline Mutibwa, Company Administration Manager, tel: 0208 583 3974, or e-mail

Meet the Board

Find out more about the board members by visiting the Your Board Members Page.