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About the Equalities Team

Hounslow Homes Equalities Team contributes to Hounslow Homes vision of building a community in which all can take part and all can take pride.

This vision with its emphasis on inclusiveness and community is reflected in Hounslow Homes value of promoting diversity and ensuring that we recognise and celebrate difference within the context of fairness and equality.

The Equalities Unit sets out how we intend to put this value into practice. Fundamental to this is ensuring that those belonging to potentially excluded groups are provided with fair access to Hounslow Homes services and employment opportunities.

We see our role in Hounslow Homes Equalities Unit as providing excellent services and:

  • Ensuring Hounslow Homes meets the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and other relevant legislation and regulations.
  • Taking a community leadership role
  • Enabling Hounslow Homes tenants to directly influence how services are provided.
  • Engaging in partnership working with businesses and other public services such as the police, London Borough of Hounslow and voluntary sector organisations to deliver excellent services to Hounslow Homes tenants.
  • undertaking the above on the basis of sound financial planning/employment practices

Equalities Aims and Objectives:

Our Equalities aims and objectives are to promote equality of opportunity and diversity. We will eliminate all forms of discrimination in service delivery, employment and in working with our partners, including on grounds of Race, Gender, Disability, gender re-assignment, Sexual Orientation, Age and Religion and/or Belief.

We will tackle social exclusion, inequality, discrimination and disadvantage on behalf of our tenants and Hounslow Homes Staff.

If you need any information relating to Equalities issues please contact the Equalities Team on 020 8583 3762

See also: Hounslow Homes' Equal Opportunities Policy

The Equality Strategic Group, chaired by the Chief Executive of Hounslow Homes meets quarterly to monitor and evaluate the Annual Equalities Action Plan 2012/13.