
Switch on and tune in to Hounslow Homes!

Report it, request it or bid for it without leaving home…and it’s free!

DigiTV gives you free 24/7 access to Hounslow Homes’ information and a selection of interactive services that you can use from the comfort of your sofa, or anywhere in the country! All you need is connection to Sky, Virgin Media, WAP enabled mobile or a Nintendo Wii connected to broadband.

Services at the touch of a button….

  • Bid for a property on Locata (using your LIN number)
  • Request Information, forms, statements
  • Report estate issues
  • Get information on our news and services
  • Access to other local services such as Job Centre Plus, NHS Direct, GP services (where available) Transport Direct and Disabled Go.
  • View our Twitter feed and Flickr images

DigiTV? There’s an App for that!

If you’re an iphone user you can access DigiTV services via a free ‘app’ you can download to your handset. The app will still give you access to all the interactive services including Locata. To get the app follow the link below:


There's also an app if you have an android phone. Visit your app store and search for Looking Local to download the free app.

You can also find our service on Facebook, just search for Looking Local and use our quick code HH(44) to get to our microsite.

How to access the service:

All access is via an internet connection - Your Sky and Virgin box should also have an internet connection

Tell us what you think

We’re committed to providing quality digital and online services such as DigiTV. We need your help to continue improving and developing the service so that it works for you and we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Complete the form on DigiTV by going to the Report It section or email to web-team@hounslowhomes.org.uk