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Our receptions

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We will be refurbishing reception areas to make them smarter, easier to use and more welcoming for all visitors, including those with disabilities.  This will mean that reception areas will be closed on these dates:

The reception at the West Area Office, St Catherine’s House, will be closed on Friday 10th and Monday 13th December, and Monday 20th December until midday.

The reception at the East Area Office in Brentford will be closed on Friday 17th  and Monday 20th December, and Monday 10th January until midday.

The reception at the East Area Office in Chiswick will be closed on Friday 7th and Monday 10th January, and Monday 17th January until midday.

The refurbishment work includes improvements which have been suggested by residents.  The work will also ensure we meet the standards of the new Disability Discrimination Act.

What to do if you have a housing or benefit query:

Staff will still be able to answer your queries over the phone.  Call our general enquiries number to speak to them.

Or, if you need to speak to someone in person, please feel free to visit another area office which is not being refurbished.

See the “Housing Contacts” section for telephone numbers and addresses.